Innovation Files: Where Tech Meets Public Policy
Explore the intersection of technology, innovation, and public policy with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the world’s leading think tank for science and tech policy. Innovation Files serves up expert interviews, insights, and commentary on topics ranging from the broad economics of innovation to specific policy and regulatory questions about new technologies. Expect to hear some unconventional wisdom.
Podcasting since 2020 • 99 episodes
Innovation Files: Where Tech Meets Public Policy
Latest Episodes
New Podcast: The Trade War With Stan McCoy
In the inaugural episode of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation's Trade War Podcast, host Stan McCoy discusses recent developments and challenges in global trade policy with Ambassador Susan C. Schwab and Rob Atkinson. The conv...
Episode 99

The United States Needs a Robust Industrial Policy, With Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher
What is the correct economic strategy for a nation? Rob and Jackie sat down with Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher, authors of Industrial Policy for the United States, to discuss how industrial policy, done right, will develop the kind of ...
Episode 98

Leveraging Data to Improve Communities, With Rochelle Haynes
Data-informed and evidence-based decision making can drive optimum outcomes in local governments. Rob and Jackie sat down with Rochelle Haynes, managing director of What Works Cities, to discuss how technology and innovation are being used in c...
Episode 97

Europe Needs to Focus on Solving Its 30-Year Innovation Problem, With David Evans
Europe has been enormously unsuccessful in creating substantial digital businesses for over three decades. Rob and Jackie sat down with David Evans, chairman of Market Platform Dynamics, to discuss why it’s imperative that Europe ends this ‘dig...
Episode 96

General-Purpose Technologies and the Rise of Great Nations, With Jeffrey Ding
It’s easy to get excited about new breakthroughs, but the real power lies in diffusing technological advances throughout the entire economy. Rob and Jackie sat down with Jeffrey Ding, Assistant Professor of Political Science at George Washingto...
Episode 95